Thursday, June 21, 2007

St. Anthony Found My Skink

So, yesterday, a series of events took place which led to my pet skink being lost in my apartment. I was pretty upset, and I didn't know if I'd ever see him again. But being the hopeful guy that I am, I started to look for him in my room, in the corners, and under things.

St. Anthony's feast day was not too long ago, and our Fr. Brian, in his homily, talked about St. Anthony and how you can pray to him when you lose things. So, I figured it was worth a shot. I'd never prayed to St. Anthony to find anything, but I decided to then.

No more than 30 seconds after I finished my prayer, my skink was found by one of my roommates in another room. Thanks St. Anthony. That's amazing. Stuff like this makes me want to love God more. He loves all of us all so much, and so do all the saints in heaven.